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Amazing networking experience!! Thanks for the invitation Stephen Choi. I want to recommend it to everyone who likes to follow like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs and to expand meaningful networking in a fun way!! Hi Right Now

1 hour = 1 on 1 conversations * X + group catch up

Shasha Yuan
Account Manager, Business Developer

In this new physically isolated reality we now share, Hi Right Now infuses a much needed dose of serendipity into your day.

Excited to see how communities and organizations leverage this platform to thrive in the Covid era.

James O'hagan
Vice President Of Business Dev @ Erda Energy LLC

This summer, I had the opportunity to attend a Hi Right Now networking event hosted by Sade Korbieh for members of the Remote Students community. Hi Right Now is a fantastic platform that allows people to have several rounds of five to six-minute conversations with other participants.

I met the Co-founder & CEO, Stephen Choi, in one of those rounds where we talked about his passion for building communities with this platform. I can now host events for students at Minerva Schools at KGI.

Last week I hosted an event titled “Minerva Schools Speed-Friending,” where we had the attendance of Minerva students from all of our rotation cities as well as remote students.

I will be hosting more events like this for the Minerva community.

César Castro
Student at Minerva Schools @ KGI